Monday 15 September 2008

Final Dissertation Video

Ok, sorry for the delay in posting this up, but straight to the point! The film has been finished and I am awaiting it to be marked. I have posted the version I handed in to the university but I do intend to make an improved piece of work in the near future, since I found some ‘problems’ with it after rendering. But that will be after marking.

The file can be downloaded here

I will upload to a streaming host as soon as I have a chance (it's a big file, so may take a while...)

Now! The random information and blabbering…

So having reworked, cut, edited and completely rewritten my way through my dissertation project I finally finished.

Although I had to cut short a lot of what I originally intended to do from health problems and the loss of family members through the study period I would like to further pursue this idea with a more indepth series of Machinima shorts into Machinima production, history and genre.

So apologies to those who have waited to see this and for any faults within the file. I did not discover these until I rendered the disc and the deadline had passed so I did not want to re-open the file and sneak some extra time with it outside of the university set deadline.

The film ended up being less of a Machinima and more of a commentary piece. And do forgive me for the commentators voice, maybe a gnome wasn’t the best choice as host, but she really did give some character to it I guess!

Please feel free to leave any comments or critiques, as I really would love some constructive points and criticisms. It will only help me get it better next time. And if anyone see their video used in the film and would like it removed, please contact me as I did not have the chance to track down everyone who’se Machinima work I used and I am more than happy to comply to your requests for removal.

But please remember, critiques aside, take this as you see this. It was my first attempt doing any sort of Machinima footage for a real purpose and was also me extended my basic editing skills and those with video software. I intend to build upon these skills and make a much better piece of work in the future – especially on my original Avatar fantasy Machinima idea, I am still looking forward to doing that on day.

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